Akshar Varma

Photo Assistant Teaching Professor
Khoury College of Computer Sciences
Northeastern University

I’ll be an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University from January 2025 and will be teaching a section of CS3000 Algorithms in Spring 2025 (January–April).

I defended my PhD in December 2024, advised by Dr. Ravi Sundaram in the Theoretical Computer Science Group at Northeastern University. My thesis was on the use of a heterogeneous algorithmic toolkit for problems involving a variety of graph parameters. Before joining NEU, I completed my B.Tech. degree (2013-2017) in Information and Communication Technology from DAIICT, Gandhinagar, India (see Bachelor Thesis). I also got a minor in Computational Sciences and still have some lingering interest in areas like High Performance Computing, Complex Networks, and Modelling and Simulation.

Resume [PDF] (Updated March 2023)
Twitter dormant

What’s new?

Past Teaching

Algorithms courses: Instructor of Record – UG Fall 2024, UG 2023 Summer 2. Teaching Assistant – UG Summer 1 2024, MS Fall 2022, MS Fall 2021, UG Spring 2021, MS Fall 2019, UG Fall 2017.

Teaching Assistant for Discrete Structures in Fall 2023 and for Theory of Computation in Spring 2024.

To help with TAing, I made a LaTeX template for easily creating the various handouts seen in such courses. You can find it on my repo of various LaTeX templates; see the course-handout-usage-example.tex file for an example of using the course-handouts-preamble.sty style file.

In the past (Jul–Nov 2016) I have also been a Teaching Assistant for an undergraduate High Performance Computing course offered to 3rd year B.Tech students. Experiences in teaching this course, and the tools we hacked up to help, lead to the development of a web-based platform to aid HPC education and a journal paper. Details below. ⤵


I am interested in understanding the theoretical aspects of problems arising in Computer Science. In particular problems related to:

  1. Graph algorithms: specifically those dealing with either estimating or leveraging various kinds of graph parameters and utilizing that to solve problems; as well as various hardness results and lower bounds for such problems. I am also interested in how a theoretician needs a heterogeneous toolkit today including techniques generally sequestered into subfields like approximation, randomized, sublinear or fixed parameter tractable algorithms. I am also working on a problem that has to resort to the (mostly heuristic) world of machine learning to solve certain graph problems.
  2. Machine learning: specifically those related to kernels and random features, overparametrization, convergence and generalization in neural networks.

My PhD thesis’ focus is on the heterogeneous toolkit including approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, fixed-parameter tractable algorithms, sublinear time and constant time algorithms and machine learning. These are used to solve problems involving graph parameters given the prevalence of large data sets, highly specialized graph subclasses, and problem scenarios that are less structured and more complex.


DBLP Profile
Google Scholar

Here are a list of my publications. The symbol indicates alphabetical ordering of authors as is customary in theoretical computer science.



My Emacs config idea h/t, on EmacsWiki


Last modified: February 25, 2025